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অফিস সম্পর্কিত

বাংলাদেশ স্কাউটস,কক্সবাজার জেলা,বিমান বন্দর সড়ক,কক্সবাজার।স্কাউটিং হচ্ছে একটি অরাজনৈতিক, অসম্প্রদায়িক, স্বেচ্ছাসেবী আন্দোলন ও সহ শিক্ষা কার্যক্রম হিসাবে স্কাউটিং ছেলে-মেয়ে নির্বিশেষে শিশু, কিশোর ও তরুনদের, চরিত্রবান ও আদর্শ সুনাগরিক হিসাবে গড়ে তুলতে প্রশংসনীয় ভূমিকা রেখে আসছে। ১৯০৭ সালে লর্ড ব্যাডেন পাওয়েল (বিপি) ইংল্যান্ডে যে আন্দোলন সুচনা করেন; কালক্রমে তা বিশ্ব ব্যাপী অভূতপূর্ব জনপ্রিয়তা লাভ করে। প্রচলিত প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষার পাশাপাশি যুব সম্প্রদায়কে সুসংগঠিত করে চরিত্র গঠন ও দেশ প্রেমিক সুনাগরিক সৃষ্টিতে এই আন্দোলন বলিষ্ট ভূমিকা পালন করছে। বাংলাদেশ স্কাউটস্ কক্সবাজার জেলা এতদঞ্চলের স্কাউটস্ আন্দোলন সম্প্রসারন, উন্নয়ন ও বিকাশে অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রম করে যাচ্ছে।


Bangladesh Scouts is the national Scouting organization of Bangladesh.Scouting was founded in Bangladesh as part of the British Indian branch of The Scout Association, and continued as part of the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association until the country’s divided sections split in 1971 during the Bangladesh Liberation War. Following its independence, Bangladesh became an independent member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1974. The organization has 11,63,473 members as of 2011. 

Scouting in modern Bangladesh started as part of the British Indian branch of The Scout Association. After the partition of India, the “East Pakistan Boy Scout Association” was formed as a regional association within the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association.

During the Bangladesh Liberation War, in April 1971, members of the renamed “Bangladesh Boy Scout Association” volunteered to carry the mail from the Bangladesh Army field post offices to the nearest Post Office in India. In 1972, the Bangladesh Boy Scout Association was officially formed as successor of the East Pakistan Boy Scout Association.

Bangladesh became an independent member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1974. Both predecessors, the British Indian branch of The Scout Association as well as the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association were also members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement during their activity in modern Bangladesh.
The organization changed its name to “Bangladesh Scouts” in 1978. Since 1994, girls are accepted as members.

Scouting has grown over the years in the face of considerable difficulties. Scouts are involved in community service, major areas being agriculture, health and sanitation, child welfare, community development, construction and repair of low cost housing and sports.
During national disasters, such as the many floods that strike Bangladesh, Scouts are called to help with flood control, relocation of citizens and organizing shelters.

Membership is open to youth between 6 and 25 years of age, regardless of caste, creed or color. The Scouts receive strong support from the government, which recognized Scouting’s value in citizenship training.
By 2013, Bangladesh Scouts envisions to grow membership by 1.5 million by offering challenging youth programme through a value based educational system, in partnership with government, agencies and community towards building a better world.

As scout, scouters we enjoy the fruits of scouting from different educational methods and strategies to make our approach relevant and through our participation, scouting will continue to provide blessings of life and pursuit of happiness.

Despite restrictions, Scouting began for the first time

 in Calcutta, Madras and Jabbalpur in 1910. The pioneer role of starting Scout Movement in this Sub-Continent was played by Dr. Tarapurwala, Sriram Wajpee,Mrs Annee Besant, Mr. A.S.Lazlee Moon but the British Scout Association turned down the permission of Scouting in this Sub-Continent. Lastly the British Government gave permission for starting Scouting in 1919, with the active initiative of Lord Baden Powell.
The scout movement started in Bangladesh on the 22nd May, 1948 when East Pakistan Boy Scout Samity (Association) was established. The scouting gained momentum when “East-Bengal Scout Association” was formed under the able leadership of Mr. Salimullah Fahmi. Bangladesh proclaimed its independence on the 26th day of March, 1971 through a historic war. In a newly established independent Republic Scouting tuned its path under the leadership of elected National Commissioner, Mr. P.A Nazir with effect from the 9th April, 1972. The then Hon’ble President gave legal coverage to the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity by promulgating presidents order No. 111 of 1972. At that time, the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity would have been guided by its constitution Policy, “Organization and Rules” In 1974, World Scout Bureau recognized the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity and it became 105th member of the World Scout Bureau.
In the special general meeting of Bangladesh Boys scout samity held on 20.07.1975 the Organization & Rules was adopted by repealing Policy, “Organization and Rules”. It is a set of established rules embodying and enacting the practice of scouting in different stages of organization. Every scout, scouters and duty bound to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of Bangladesh Scouts.

The purposes of this organization
To build up the child and young people through training to be honest, faithful,good charactered and an ideal citizen following methods of scouting and principles of World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
To maintain friendly and complimentary relationship with the like minded, non-political, civilian and non-communal youth organization, specially Bangladesh Girl-Guides Association.
Try to increase International Cooperation and friendship with the WOSM, Asia-Pacific Regional Scouts and different national scout organizations by exchanging views, trainers, scouts and scouters.

Cub Scouts – ages 6 to 11
Scouts – ages 11 to 17
Rover Scouts – ages 17 to 25
The membership badge of the Bangladesh Scouts incorporates elements of the flag of Bangladesh as well as the crescent moon as a symbol of service and the white background is the symbol of peace.

Purpose of the Scout Movement
The purpose of the Scout movement is “To contribute to the development of young people in achieveing their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and members of their local, national and international communities” .

Principles of the Scout Movement
The Scout movement is based on three broad principles: “Duty to God “,”Duty to others” and “Duty to self”.

Scout Method
The Scout method is defined as a system of progressive self education through:
1. A Promise and law.
2. Learning by doing.
3. Membership of small groups.
4. Progressive and stimulating programs.

Fundamentals of Scouting
Scouting is “a voluntary non political educational movement for the young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conveived by the founder Lord Baden Powell “.

Mission Statement
The Mission of world Scouting is “to Contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are self fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society “.

Vision of Bangladesh Scouts
By 2013, Bangladesh Scouts envisions to grow membership by 1.5 million by offering challnging youth programme through a value based educational system, in partnership with government, agencies and community towards building a better world.

 Scout Promise

আমি আমার আত্মমর্যাদার উপর নির্ভর করে প্রতিজ্ঞা করছি যে,
আল্লাহ ও আমার দেশের প্রতি কর্তব্য পালন করতে
সর্বদা অপরকে সাহায্য করতে
স্কাউট আইন মেনে চলতে
আমি আমার যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করব
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty
To God and my country
To help other people at all times
To obey the Scout laws
১. স্কাউট আত্মমর্যাদায় বিশ্বাসী,
২. স্কাউট সকলের বন্ধু,
৩. স্কাউট বিনয়ী ও অনুগত,
৪. স্কাউট জীবের প্রতি সদয়,
৫. স্কাউট সদা প্রফুল্ল,
৬. স্কাউট মিতব্যয়ী,
৭. স্কাঊট চিন্তা, কথা ও কাজে নির্মল
A Scout’s honour is to be trusted,
A Scout is a friend to all,
A Scout is courteous and obedient,
A Scout is kind to animals,
A Scout is cheerful at all times,
A Scout is thrifty,
A Scout is clean in thought,word and deed

The Scout Motto is “সেবার জন্য সদা প্রস্তুত থাকতে যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা”, meaning “Do our best to be prepared for service”